Kambo has no known side effects when it is respectfully and consciously administered.
There are a very few people that will not be able to take kambo medicine
Anyone under the age of 18
Woman who suspect they may be or are pregnant or breastfeeding a child under the age of 1 years old
Anyone who has had a stroke in the past
Anyone with heart issues or taking medication for low blood pressure
Anyone with serious mental health issues
Please also note there are NO psychoactive compounds in kambo medicine
You should wear loose or comfortable clothing
A cushion or a sheepskin or yoga mat to make a nest to rest on
A blanket or a shawl or sleeping bag
A sarong in case you have to remove any bits of clothing
Roll of toilet paper or a box of tissues
A hairband if your hair is long
If you suffer from Asthma you may need your inhaler
Diabetics need to have insulin and testing equipment and extra food
Menstruating woman will need to be aware flow will increase for up to 3 days after taking kambo medicine
Some light snacks of your choice maybe fruits fresh or dried, nuts, raw chocolate or coconut water would be recommended to eat after kambo
Make sure you do not eat for a minimum of 8 hrs before you take kambo and no solid food for at least 8 hrs before your treatment I've found its a good recommendation for no meat in the diet for a few days prior to taking it too
It is advisable not to drink alcohol or consume substances for 24 to 48 hrs before or after
Allow yourself 2/3 hours for treatment and recovery
3 liters of fresh spring would need to be drunk just prior to the application of the medicine too
It is a vital importance that the Matses indigenous tribes people of the Amazon directly benefit from use of this valuable and ethically sought medicine
Please note these recommendations are purely for advice.
Kambo has no known side effects when it is respectfully and consciously administered.
There are a very few people that will not be able to take kambo medicine
Anyone under the age of 18
Woman who suspect they may be or are pregnant or breastfeeding a child under the age of 1 years old
Anyone who has had a stroke in the past
Anyone with heart issues or taking medication for low blood pressure
Anyone with serious mental health issues
Please also note there are NO psychoactive compounds in kambo medicine
You should wear loose or comfortable clothing
A cushion or a sheepskin or yoga mat to make a nest to rest on
A blanket or a shawl or sleeping bag
A sarong in case you have to remove any bits of clothing
Roll of toilet paper or a box of tissues
A hairband if your hair is long
If you suffer from Asthma you may need your inhaler
Diabetics need to have insulin and testing equipment and extra food
Menstruating woman will need to be aware flow will increase for up to 3 days after taking kambo medicine
Some light snacks of your choice maybe fruits fresh or dried, nuts, raw chocolate or coconut water would be recommended to eat after kambo
Make sure you do not eat for a minimum of 8 hrs before you take kambo and no solid food for at least 8 hrs before your treatment I've found its a good recommendation for no meat in the diet for a few days prior to taking it too
It is advisable not to drink alcohol or consume substances for 24 to 48 hrs before or after
Allow yourself 2/3 hours for treatment and recovery
3 liters of fresh spring would need to be drunk just prior to the application of the medicine too
It is a vital importance that the Matses indigenous tribes people of the Amazon directly benefit from use of this valuable and ethically sought medicine
Please note these recommendations are purely for advice.