I had been suffering for at least 6 months & had gradually lost my sense of self, almost forgetting what it was like to feel ‘normal’ and like ‘myself’ (whatever that really means!). Then a friend suffering in a similar way suggested I have kambo then everything changed. From the moment it had been suggested I felt like I was improving as if the universe had been leading me towards Kambo & I’d finally succumbed to the flow. The medicine itself was one of the most magical & healing experiences of my life. i worked with the Kambo medicine spirit, nature’s & my own energies to restore my vibration back where it belonged, at full power! After the purging I immediately began to feel better than I’d felt in ages & could begin to help the Kambo with ridding the ‘bad luck’ from my body. I could not have felt more safe than with kambo leading me through my healing, utilizing all my senses. Its energy is very pure & gentle which allowed me to surrender to the medicine with every faith to guide & nurture me through the process. Torrential thunderstorm rain & a swim in the river washed away the final remnants of negativity & I felt fully cleansed. Before the ceremony I had set very clear intentions of what I was asking of the Kambo & it answered every element, beyond what I could have imagined. By the time I left I had everything I had asked for and more. The Kambo medicine spirit is kind & generous, I will respect it always. The rest of the day was a revelation – I felt like ‘me’ again! I had my exuberance and joie de vivre back in full force. I was vibrating back at the high frequencies which felt right for me. The next few days were filled with such joy as it was a true blessing to feel energetic again & healed. A week on I still feel fantastic & I look forward to my next interaction with the Kambo medicine spirit!
Hi i wanted to say a big thank you to the wonderful kambo medicine spirit It had such a great effect on me and i am very grateful for its support. Its a unique and powerful experience.
I feel good.......It's nice to feel more in the moment, present in the now. I remember this feeling from my childhood!!! I feel much lighter, more flexible in my body. Especially in my stomach and in my hips. I Feel fresher generally. Lot's of things seem better, but it's way too difficult to describe. My taste is better. Things taste so different now. Straight away I can't eat certain things anymore. My face look's different too. More open, brighter. And my tongue is better, Yeah. I had that white stuff on my tongue, sometimes different colour, and now it seems the white colour has almost gone. I like that because my tongue looked disgusting yes, I feel more awake, more aware... good feelings. Anyway, you know how it is.
I had Kambo a month ago now and haven't been sure what to say. The build up to the flush was intense, I had a run in with the mental sectioning team, which I initiated myself out of (blessings to the teachings of the Lamas). Then Saturn went through me starting the reordering process, which was followed by a 2 week bought of chest infection. Kambo, which I had already done once before but the experience was nothing like this. I stopped smoking to clear my lungs and then after 24hours of fasting after a stinging nettle flush I applied 11 dots of Kambo. I chose my lung meridian as I needed the chest infection cleared from my energy field. After a month of inner work with the frog spirit I feel much better. Blessings to the Kambo Frog. Om
Hi i wanted to say a big thank you to the wonderful kambo medicine spirit It had such a great effect on me and i am very grateful for its support. Its a unique and powerful experience.
I feel good.......It's nice to feel more in the moment, present in the now. I remember this feeling from my childhood!!! I feel much lighter, more flexible in my body. Especially in my stomach and in my hips. I Feel fresher generally. Lot's of things seem better, but it's way too difficult to describe. My taste is better. Things taste so different now. Straight away I can't eat certain things anymore. My face look's different too. More open, brighter. And my tongue is better, Yeah. I had that white stuff on my tongue, sometimes different colour, and now it seems the white colour has almost gone. I like that because my tongue looked disgusting yes, I feel more awake, more aware... good feelings. Anyway, you know how it is.
I had Kambo a month ago now and haven't been sure what to say. The build up to the flush was intense, I had a run in with the mental sectioning team, which I initiated myself out of (blessings to the teachings of the Lamas). Then Saturn went through me starting the reordering process, which was followed by a 2 week bought of chest infection. Kambo, which I had already done once before but the experience was nothing like this. I stopped smoking to clear my lungs and then after 24hours of fasting after a stinging nettle flush I applied 11 dots of Kambo. I chose my lung meridian as I needed the chest infection cleared from my energy field. After a month of inner work with the frog spirit I feel much better. Blessings to the Kambo Frog. Om